Times Of India Mobile App Activation by Cefforts

Image source : timesofindia.com

Times Of India one of the known news network mobile app activation by Cefforts.


To devise an innovative launch concept for TOI App in Gurgaon/NCR.

Cefforts India Delivered:


  • CEFFORTS INDIA came up with the concept ‘Walk and talk via look walker/ iwalker.

Total 50 volunteers with look walkers were deported at various locations in NCR.

Simultaneously all are activated exactly at 9 Am so that all office goers can see the mobile  hoarding and at same time , our volunteers are informing and updating on step walkers about TOI application and its features.

The launch was done in 4 metro cities of India – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata with similar pattern.

Result: Client was very happy with the launch and appreciated that CEFFORTS INDIA managed same standard of event in all the cities.

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